Note: Additional "bylaws" type info is on the older About page.
Schedule Coordinator:
- This volunteer arranges the meeting dates, and sends announcements on the Yahoo group to remind members about the dates.
- The Schedule Coordinator will confirm the meeting dates in advance with the hosts.
- Any schedule changes will be updated on the web page, either by the Schedule Coordinator or the webmaster.
The Schedule Coordinator will send out 2 meeting reminders on the private Yahoo Group:
- The 1st reminder about 3 weeks before the meeting date
- If necessary, the 2nd reminder about 1 week before the meeting date.
- Members are requested to RSVP (both 'yes' and 'no') as to whether they are attending, using the private Yahoo Group.
Meeting Frequency - Typically 4 or 5 meetings per year. We normally do NOT meet during June, July & August.
Guests - Guests can attend twice as a guest. Then they would be requested to apply to become a member.
Prospective Members - Prospective members are requested to attend 2 meetings as a guest.
Format Of Meetings:
- We usually have meetings on a "round robin" basis--that is, where people meet informally in each others' homes. Typically we rotate among the 6 members who have the large layouts.
- Typically we watch trains and informal chat from 2 pm to 3 pm, have a short business meeting from 3 pm to 3:30 or so, then more train watching and chat for those who wish to stay